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Seasons of Change

I have always believed that God has valuable lessons woven into His creation, a masterpiece of beauty and wonder. These lessons are not hidden from us, but unfortunately, busyness can keep us from seeing them. Our failure to slow our pace can keep us from taking notice of God’s grandeur that surrounds us!

Have you ever stopped to consider how many different types of cycles there are in nature? There is the day/night cycle, the lunar cycle, the many different life cycles of creatures, great and small, and, of course, the cycle of seasons.

These cycles within nature offer predictability, which in turn provides assurance. Anxiety often stems from the unknown and the unpredictable. Knowing what is around the corner brings peace of mind. This is why many young mothers work so hard to keep their babies on a routine. I remember when my children were young, our days went much smoother if we kept to a set routine: wake, eat, play. Predictability helped them feel secure and calm, which also brought me peace. Teachers also experience this- once their students have established a routine, their school days flow more smoothly.

We are the same as we journey through the changing of our seasons. Nature's rhythms serve as a source of comfort by providing a sense of order and stability in a world that can feel chaotic. They remind us that no matter what we face, there is an underlying pattern orchestrated by God. Just as the sun rises each morning and the seasons change in their time, we can trust that God is in control.

Our earthly seasons exist because of the precise tilt of our earth as it revolves around our sun, creating the perfect conditions for the seasons to unfold. It is awe-inspiring to think about this delicate balance that brings us the beauty of winter’s rest, spring’s bloom, summer’s warmth, and autumn’s harvest. Each season is a gift, a reflection of the intricate design of creation and God’s intentional timing in all things. The rhythm of the seasons speaks of His sovereignty, offering us the assurance that life, too, moves through cycles of growth, renewal, and rest in perfect harmony. God’s faithfulness is demonstrated in the steady cycle of the seasons. The consistent change reassures us of His unchanging nature and steadfast love.

Just as God’s faithfulness is represented in the steady cycle of seasons, we can apply this truth to our own lives by trusting that He is at work in every season we go through. Life’s ups and downs—times of growth, waiting, and even hardship—are all part of the cycles of our own lives. Just as the seasons change in their appointed time, so too do the circumstances in our lives. It has been helpful for me, when going through challenging times, to realize it is this way for a season. There are difficult seasons of parenting, difficult seasons within marriages, difficult seasons of health challenges, difficult seasons of employment, and so on. These periods of difficulty will not last forever. Renewal and blessing will come.

We can embrace seasons of waiting or seasons of struggle with patience, knowing that God is preparing us for something new. In moments of fruitfulness and abundance, we are reminded to be thankful for God's provision. During times of rest, like the stillness of autumn and winter, we are invited to slow down, reflect, and trust that God is at work, even when we cannot see it.

Recognizing God's faithfulness in our lives means trusting His timing is always perfect, no matter our circumstances. Just as the seasons turn, so too will God bring new growth, healing, and purpose in His perfect timing.


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